Town of Franklin Current Projects

Town of Franklin, NC

Draft Noise Ordinance

Read the draft of Town Ordinance No. 2017-015 to amend the Town Code to define, regulate, restrict, and prohibit unreasonably loud, disturbing or frightening noises.


BikeWalk Franklin

BikeWalk Franklin is the Town of Franklin, North Carolina’s first comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian master plan. The intent of this plan is to develop a network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and provide a blueprint for transforming Franklin into a more bicycle and pedestrian friendly community, improving connectivity with a comprehensive toolbox of facility types that are appropriate for specific corridors and intersections.

This plan establishes priorities for facility improvements, highlights high-priority projects and those that provide unique opportunities, addresses bicycle and pedestrian safety, and provides policy recommendations to help sustain improvements in bicycle and pedestrian conditions.

This plan is a product of the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, in partnership with the Town of Franklin, its elected officials, and the consultant team, with significant input and direction from the project steering committee, comprised of
stakeholders and representatives from various jurisdictions and the public.

BikeWalk Franklin builds upon existing plans, data and analysis, policy direction from various partners, significant public input, surveys, and dedicated involvement by bicycle and pedestrian advocates who continue to work with the local government and NCDOT to make sound transportation decisions
that are inclusive of all modes of transportation.


2019 Town of Franklin Road/Sidewalk Safety Improvement Projects

town franklin nc sidewalk projects

Sidwalk widening and upgrade project on Iotla Street.

town of franklin nc roadway improvement

New guardrail installed on South Patton Avenue on June 20, 2019.

Memorial Park

Memorial Park is continuing to undergo renovations both outside and inside. Part of the renovation process was a stream riparian project from a $20,000 Duke Energy grant with help from Mainspring Conservation, Macon County Soil and Water, Clark Landscaping, Wildlands Engineering and NC Fish and Wildlife. The project was broken up into 3 phases.

Phase 1 involved repairing and sloping of the river banks with matting and native live stakes and plantings.

Phase 2 included building a fence to define a mow line and native tree plantings.

Finally, phase 3 which is underway, will include a rain garden to treat parking lot runoff before entering Crawford Branch and removal of a culvert with a bridge to cross Crawford branch.

Additional improvements include renovations to the building. The Town of Franklin recently installed sheetrock, new cabinets, countertops and appliances.

A new walking path is also being added to Memorial Park.

town of franklin nc
franklin north carolina
town projects franklin nc
projects franklin nc
memorial park franklin nc
franklin nc government
franklin nc memorial park restoration
franklin north carolina
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franklin north carolina official website