Town of Franklin Adopt a Street Program
Let's Work Together to Keep Franklin Beautiful!
The Town of Franklin, NC encourages you to join with us in our new Adopt-A-Street initiative. The program is to any business, civic group, church or private resident. By participating in the Adopt-A-Street program, you can make a valuable contribution to the town… you can help make the Town of Franklin better and more beautiful. You can also save money since removing litter is an expensive proposition for you and other taxpaying citizens.
To adopt a street, participants agree to pick up litter for a year or three years to receive a sign with your name on it along a section of street or road. You will also receive will free traffic vests, trash bags and trash grabbers.
To sign up, just call us at (828) 524-2516. Safety is our first consideration and it must be yours as well. The Town of Franklin, NC will work with participants to do all we can to make your experience safe and beneficial.
For a clear understanding of the program, guidelines and responsibilities please review the complete listing of program resources below.
» Town of Franklin Adopt a Street Program Guidelines (PDF Format)
» Town of Franklin Adopt a Street Program Application (PDF Format)
» UPDATED! Available Streets For Adoption List (PDF Format)
» Safety Video (link will open new window to YouTube)