Welcome to the
Town of Franklin, North Carolina

Incorporated 1855
Welcome to the Town of Franklin. We invite you to explore our website for the latest information for residents, businesses, and visitors. Information is updated on a regular basis with announcements and other events happening in and around Franklin. Town Council meeting agendas & minutes, Town of Franklin sign & zoning ordinances, Public Notices and other information can also be found on FranklinNC.com.

Mayor Jack Horton Franklin North Carolina

Mayor's WelcomeMessage from Mayor Jack Horton

Thank you for visiting the Town of Franklin online. The purpose of this site is to keep the citizens, businesses and visitors of Franklin informed with a wide variety of information. Franklin is a slice of small town America that is rich in culture and history. Yet, we embrace the future with a business friendly community and work to provide amenities that help our Town grow. If you’re visiting discover all that Franklin has to offer.


Pay Taxes or Water Bill Online Town of Franklin NC

Town Hall OFfice HoursNew Office Hours

Franklin Town Hall is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and on Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.  

Payments at the window are accepted from 8:30 a.m. until 5:25 p.m.  Monday through Thursday and from 8:30 a.m. until 2:55 p.m. on Friday. 

The drop box is also available for payments before and after hours and on weekends.  


Town of Franklin NC Social District

Social DistrictLatest Information

A social district is a designated outdoor area where people can legally consume alcoholic beverages. Social districts are regulated by the NC Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Commission since approval by the NC Legislature in 2021.

The Town of Franklin has created an informational page concerning the Social District (tap or click the link below).

In addition, a QR code is located on all of the various social district indicators.


Pay Taxes or Water Bill Online Town of Franklin NC

Online PaymentTaxes & Water Bills

PLEASE NOTE: In order to access online bill pay you will need your new account number and last amount paid. Surcharges apply.

Save time or a trip to Town Hall by utilizing this new online bill pay service. Simply follow this link or choose the quick link at the bottom of the page to be redirected to a secure page where you can pay your Town of Franklin, NC taxes or water bill online. Please note a new window will open.



town of franklin nc budget

FY 2024-2025 BudgetTown of Franklin, North Carolina

The approved Town of Franklin Budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 is available for viewing or download.

This page includes the Town Manager's Budget Message as well as the link to a PDF File of proposed budget.


town of franklin nc public notices

public noticesLatest Information & Announcements

As a service to our citizens and business community, the Town of Franklin posts notices of official public hearings held by Town Franklin NC Town Council and Town boards and authorities. Information is also posted on bids being accepted by the Town of Franklin and other notices for our community's input and participation. You'll find a complete listing of the latest Public Notices and additional information here.



Resources for Opening a Business in Franklin, North Carolina

Opening a Business?Information to Assist You

Franklin, North Carolina is the perfect place for your business venture. We welcome you to be a part of our thriving community.

Before opening a business in Franklin there are a few steps everyone needs to take before buying a property or signing a lease.

Click the link below to learn how to get started in opening a business in Franklin, NC.



Information for New Residents to Franklin NC

Moving to Franklin?Information for Residents

The Town of Franklin, NC is a great place to work, live and play!

If you're considering a move to our wonderful town, we've compiled a list of resources to help you get started.

You'll find even more in our For Residents section on this site's main menu.


Information for New Residents to Franklin NC

Employee DirectoryTown of Franklin, North Carolina

Complete departmental and employee directory for the Town of Franklin, NC.

We are always glad to assist you!



Information for New Residents to Franklin NC

Pickin' on the Square 2025Call for Bands & Vendors

The Town of Franklin is seeking applications from area bands interested in performing for the Pickin’ on the Square 2025.

The Town is also seeking applications for area food vendors interested servicing some or all Pickin' on the Square dates.

Learn more or get an application by following either link below.



Town of Franklin NC Official Facebook Page

Find us on facebookTown of Franklin, North Carolina

Follow the Town of Franklin, NC on Facebook for the latest announcements and information.